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About Ken Earle

Currently work to provide services for a wide array of local, national and international clients mainly in the Automated Chemistry Analyzer field also known as Autoanalyzers (both FIA and SFA). I began my experience with Flow Analysis working with the National Science Foundation in research laboratories in Antarctica for the US Antarctican Research Program. Running low level multiple channel nutrient analysis gave a complete and thorough exposure to the complexities and nuances of flow analysis. From this experience was hired directly by Alpkem as the Technical Services Director and worked for many years developing and improving their instrument platforms as well as training, repairs and installations of new equipment. Later Alpkem was purchased by OI Analytical and became a field service engineer traveling the world installing and repairing flow analysis instruments. After starting and independent company this has evolved into a position as the west coast service and sales manufacturing rep for Xylem, Inc (OI Analytical) - California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Alaska and Hawaii. Lately focusing extensively on Cyanide analysis in Gold mines and Environmental labs since there have been recent significant changes in the EPA's regulations. Specialties:Known to stubbornly persist until the problem is solved; this ability often puts me in remote places where I must fix the problem and leave the operation to continue with the training, repair and/or installation that was performed while I was onsite.

Part 4: Peristaltic Pump Troubleshooting

Peristaltic Pump Troubleshooting, Preventative Maintenance and Repair The peristaltic pump is a very important component to the proper operation of an autoanalyzer instrument.  If it is not functioning properly it is possible to have problems with reproducibility, accuracy, and prematurely worn pump tubing.  Signs of a peristaltic pump problem might be observed as poor peak [...]


Part 3: Peristaltic Pump Tubing Materials

Various Pump Tubing Materials, Compatibility and Applications Peristaltic pumps rely on compressing and releasing a length of flexible tubing to mimic natural peristalsis seen in many biological systems, using positive displacement to move fluids in a steady and smooth pulsing manner. Instrument Systems will remain contamination-free using peristaltic pump tubes, since the only part of [...]


Part 2: Peristaltic Pump Tube Sizes by Color Code

Peristaltic Pump Tube Sizes by Color Code Determines ID and Ease of Application Uses: As mentioned in this series on Ismatec Peristaltic pumps and Peristaltic pump tubes in general, the advantage with this type of pumping configuration is that the pumps are able to handle heavier and more aggressive fluids. The peristaltic pump tubes have [...]


Part 1: Aspects of Peristaltic Pump Tubes and Pump Series

Part 1: Overview of the Peristaltic Pump In this series of articles we will discuss peristaltic pumps. The peristaltic pump is the most common delivery device for chemical solutions in most types of Autoanalyzers such as OI Analytical, Alpkem, Lachat, Seal, and Skalar. The most common and largest manufacturer of this type of pump is [...]


Analysis of Clean Water Act

The MUR of 2012 Clean Water act allows the replacement of Manual Cyanide Distillation for WAD and Available Cyanide. This action makes available at 40 CFR part 136 an additional test procedure for measurement of available cyanide. Currently approved methods for measurement of available cyanide are based on sample chlorination. Method OIA–1677 uses a flow [...]


Changing the Size of Sampling Pump Tubes

As we mentioned in our last blog article, changing pump tube sizes for a method might be necessary when changing an analytical range or when developing new chemistries. The EPA has even weighed in on this matter with their "Flexibility to Modify CWA Methods" memorandum. They go on to outline specific modifications that no longer require case [...]


Upgrade to a Cetac ASX-520 Random Access Autosampler

You can upgrade your Cetac Autosampler from a 500 or 510 model to the current ASX-520 model. EZkem has the ability to take your old Cetac 500 or 510 autosampler model and upgrade it to the current 520 model. The older models required specific processors for each platform. The nice thing about the 520 autosampler is that it [...]


Cadmium Coils and the Analysis of Nitrate

This post is designed to offer assistance to users of cadmium coils in the analysis of Nitrate. Since the use of the cadmium coil is fairly complicated and because there are many possible applications, we want to discuss the different sizes that are available as well as the advantages of the various sizes. Cadmium coils [...]

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