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EZkem Blog2017-09-27T12:08:17-07:00

The EZkem blog is your go-to resource for laboratories in the spectroscopy fields — including flow analysis and cyanide analysis.

Part 3: Peristaltic Pump Tubing Materials

Various Pump Tubing Materials, Compatibility and Applications Peristaltic pumps rely on compressing and releasing a length of flexible tubing to mimic natural peristalsis seen in many biological systems, using positive displacement to move fluids in a steady and smooth pulsing manner. Instrument Systems will remain contamination-free using peristaltic pump tubes, since the only part of [...]

By |June 7th, 2017|Autoanalyzer|0 Comments

Part 2: Peristaltic Pump Tube Sizes by Color Code

Peristaltic Pump Tube Sizes by Color Code Determines ID and Ease of Application Uses: As mentioned in this series on Ismatec Peristaltic pumps and Peristaltic pump tubes in general, the advantage with this type of pumping configuration is that the pumps are able to handle heavier and more aggressive fluids. The peristaltic pump tubes have [...]

By |May 26th, 2017|Autoanalyzer|0 Comments

Part 1: Aspects of Peristaltic Pump Tubes and Pump Series

Part 1: Overview of the Peristaltic Pump In this series of articles we will discuss peristaltic pumps. The peristaltic pump is the most common delivery device for chemical solutions in most types of Autoanalyzers such as OI Analytical, Alpkem, Lachat, Seal, and Skalar. The most common and largest manufacturer of this type of pump is [...]

By |May 22nd, 2017|Peristaltic Pump Tubes|0 Comments

Analysis of Clean Water Act

The MUR of 2012 Clean Water act allows the replacement of Manual Cyanide Distillation for WAD and Available Cyanide. This action makes available at 40 CFR part 136 an additional test procedure for measurement of available cyanide. Currently approved methods for measurement of available cyanide are based on sample chlorination. Method OIA–1677 uses a flow [...]

By |May 4th, 2017|Cyanide Analysis|0 Comments

Changing the Size of Sampling Pump Tubes

As we mentioned in our last blog article, changing pump tube sizes for a method might be necessary when changing an analytical range or when developing new chemistries. The EPA has even weighed in on this matter with their "Flexibility to Modify CWA Methods" memorandum. They go on to outline specific modifications that no longer require case [...]

By |June 20th, 2016|Autoanalyzer, Peristaltic Pump Tubes|0 Comments

Pump Tubing Dimensions & Flow Rate

Our new blog series will be covering all aspects of peristaltic pump tubing and will be addressing questions and topics concerning peristaltic pump tubes and the Ismatec peristaltic pump. Below is a chart we refer to to understand the sizes and flow rates between pump tubes. This can be useful when developing new chemistries and changing the [...]

By |June 2nd, 2016|Autoanalyzer|0 Comments
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