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Autoanalyzer Troubleshooting Basics: Inspecting the Debubbler

As solutions flow through an autoanalyzer system the debubbler is a key component in providing the opportunity to evaluate the condition of the reagents and ultimately the sample. It’s through the debubbler that we can see if the bubble patterns are correct, if there is a block in the cartridge causing surging, how well the [...]


Autoanalyzer Troubleshooting Basics: Inspecting The Flow Cell

In this series of discussions, I wanted to address specific problem areas that laboratories encounter while operating auto analyzers. These segments will each focus on the individual items that EZkem repairs, replaces, reconditions or in any way modifies while doing service in the field or in our repair facility, like inspecting the flow cell. Initially, I would [...]


Poor Reproducibility? 3 Reasons Your Peristaltic Pump Could Be The Problem!

The peristaltic pump is a very important component in the proper operation of an autoanalyzer instrument. If it is not functioning properly, it’s possible to have problems with reproducibility, accuracy, and prematurely worn pump tubing. These signs of a pump problem might be observed as poor peak shape, split peaks, tailing peaks, surging, and inconsistent [...]


Autoanalyzer Debubblers Need to Be Replaced

There are many reasons why people use auto analyzers and it's much less expensive and more profitable to keep an older autoanalyzer running as long as possible instead of spending the money for a costly replacement. If a lab does choose to run an older piece of equipment, it is imperative that they spend a [...]

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